Please answer honestly, and make a copy for yourself.
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Do you have a current list of 20 Reasons (goals you are working towards) with your Top 3 Reasons established?
Have you read Hal Elrod’s book, Miracle Morning?
Do you go through a very specific morning routine to get grounded and focused?
How many hours a week do you spend contacting prospects and working on developing customers for your business?
If you maxed out your lead generation activities, how many hours a week could you invest in lead generation based upon your current time constraints?
In your current business, are you currently working on building a team? If yes, how many hours a week are you spending on prospecting and lead generation for new team members?
When focusing on business building activities is your mind more on:
You are probably familiar with Dale’s Balanced Living Wheel of Life Training. There are 7 Key areas of life that you self-rate from 1 to 10. For example, if you would rate Physical a 10 then you are maximizing your physical activity and exercise and are either at peak fitness level or on the path to it. If you would rate Social a 3 then you probably don’t get out much and have a limited number of friends. If Family is a 7 then you probably have a good support structure of family around you, etc. With this idea in mind how would you rate yourself from 1 – 10 in these 7 key areas of life?
Approximately How many hours a week do you spend on self-educations- Reading, listening to podcast, watching YouTube videos, zooms, Audible books, etc?
Is most of your self-education time spent on skills that will help you progress towards your current business goals and Top 3 reasons?
Approximately how many hours a week do you spend on Entertainment? i.e. Reading Novels, listening to non-business podcast, Scrolling Social Media, TikTok, Instagram, playing video games, watching TV, etc?
If you decided to, how much more productive in your business activities could you become More Productive with the time you currently have available?